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Certifying Organizations

Faculty Liaison

Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Teaching Professor


Finance officers of local governments, public authorities, local school administrative units, or those who hold supervisory or professional positions with a local government, public authority, or school administrative unit and have administrative responsibility for one or more financial functions, are eligible for the North Carolina Local Government Finance Officers Certification Program (NCGFOA). Alongside membership in NCGFOA, requisite years of professional experience, and completion of the four topical exams, the following courses must be completed for certification:

Required Courses

Certification Exams

The examinations are offered twice a year. Certification is valid for five years and can be renewed at the end of each subsequent five-year period by accumulating continuing professional education credits. Examinations are held online via Canvas on the last consecutive Thursday and Friday of each May and October.

Additional Information

Register for a Finance Officer Certification exam